
vacation checklist

La check-list vacances

It's already time to go on vacation! The year passed quickly and summer arrived without warning. Everything seems easier with a bit of sunshine above our heads. But we have to admit, we can't wait to go on vacation. Whether it's for a few days by the sea, a getaway abroad or a breath of fresh air in the countryside, we all dream of it! No need to think, we share with you our special holiday checklist to leave with peace of mind.

This is the first summer for Pikoc. This year, your scented detergents are with you wherever you go. Thanks to our cover box , there is no longer any excuse for returning from vacation with a suitcase full of dirty laundry. A small Pikoc bottle for the week, will allow a break in the sun for your clothes and a peaceful return to school without laundry chores. Don't forget to slip these cute bottles into your suitcase... Your perfume will accompany you on all your adventures!

Beautiful clean and fragrant holidays ;)

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